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  • Writer's pictureNatashia Conner, MS,IBCLC

Get started...Working from home!

How to begin searching, where to search, and steps necessary to work from home.

Step to take towards working from home.

  1. Prepare/ update your resume or have someone else review it for you.

  2. Prepare your work space often requiring a quiet room or work space, desk, computer, (home/mobile/wireless) phone, internet, chiar, and other necessary office supplies-depending on job.

  3. Search for work from home opportunities (freelance work, remote worker, online worker)

  4. Apply & wait!

What to know before you begin searching. Understand your limit, your strengths, weaknesses, and skills. Keep in mind that many of the work from opportunities include, freelance writer, blogger, editor, transcriptionist, call center, customer service, and marketing or sales. This will help find a job that fits your needs easier. Remember you will be at home, so making sure that this is something that you are able to get out of bed to do is important.

So where to look? Here are some site that I used to being my search.





There is also the obvious decision to work for yourself. This may take a little more faith and trust in your own given abilities but it is usually more rewarding. Take some time to think about what you are good at? What you would not mind doing for free? What are you passionate about? This is essential! Working for yourself means having the ability to invest in yourself no matter what. It also tends to require more time investment and marketing for your services.

Other things to consider are:

  1. Child care/ or space for your children to be while you work.

  2. Can you manage your children while working from home? As well as limiting other distractions.

  3. Are you a very organized individual? Are you self-motivated?

  4. There maybe some start up expenses that many companies expect for you to have before applying.

Also, make sure that you double check to make sure that the companies are legit. The perks of working from home usually means no in person interviews, comfy clothes (PJs), no commute cost, and for me, no driving in snow! There are lots of companies offering positions that have flex schedules as well.

I hope that this is helpful and can be a guide for you on your journey.

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