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  • Writer's pictureNatashia Conner, MS,IBCLC

When it's over...Maternity leave

The hardest thing I have been faced with is the thought of returning to work after the birth of my 4th child. There are so many things to consider but at the top of the list are.

1. Childcare- Who can I trust with this precious life that is defenseless against harm?

2. Expenses- Can I afford childcare for a newborn? Is it cost effective to return to work? (Commuting, lunch, parking, wages, and childcare. On the other hand, home finance like rent, food, and electricity)

3. Work schedule- Will the demands of working a 8 hour day be something easily handled? (separation from baby, physically healed from giving birth, hours that childcare is available)

4. Emotional distress- Can I handle being away from my newborn for hours, worrying if he/she is okay?

The thought of leaving my little one gave me anxiety. It was so bad that I had panic attacks, the palms of my hands were sweating, and I began to have a headache. The reality is that you need more than 6 weeks to prepare for the hardest thing you will ever have to do besides giving birth. Essentially, you are recovering the first 4 weeks and then thrown into a poll of quick decisions.


1. take some time to think about what really matters.

2. weight the pros and cons of either decision.

3. make a plan

4. trust yourself

This will not be an easy decision but trusting in yourself as a mother and your ability to succeed will get you through. My decision is to stay home with my children. I will be posting about what steps I have taken and how to make it work and deal with the changes.

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